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The Most Human Company Wins: A Masterclass in Social Media Marketing

Jun 26, 2024

Welcome to "The Most Human Company Wins," one of our most popular and engaging classes at Next Chapter Social. If you're new to social media marketing or looking to take your business to the next level, you're in the right place! This class is designed to ignite your passion for social media marketing and provide practical tips to grow your business online. Our aim is for you to leave feeling motivated, inspired, and equipped with strategies to boost your engagement and online presence.

Five Key Strategies for Social Media Success

In this blog, we’ll cover five crucial strategies that are often misunderstood but are essential for your online engagement and growth:

  1. The Buying Buckets: Understand why people make purchases. There are four primary reasons: convenience, price, innovation, and relationship. Recognizing these will help you tailor your marketing strategies to meet your audience's needs. Imagine you're selling a product. Ask yourself, is it convenient for the customer? Is it priced competitively? Is it innovative, offering something new and exciting? Does it build a relationship with your audience? Addressing these questions will refine your approach.
  2. The 7-4-11 Formula: This formula emphasizes the importance of multiple interactions across various locations to build a strong relationship with your audience. It takes seven hours of engagement, across four different locations, with eleven interactions to turn a follower into a loyal customer. Think about the customer journey: they might first encounter your brand on Instagram, then see a Facebook ad, read your blog post, watch a video, and so on. These repeated touchpoints build familiarity and trust.
  3. EIEIO Method: This is our unique approach to maintaining a consistent and engaging online presence. Your content should entertain, inspire, educate, inform, and offer something valuable to your audience. For instance, you might post a funny meme (entertain), a motivational quote (inspire), a how-to guide (educate), an industry update (inform), and a discount code (offer value). This variety keeps your content fresh and engaging.
  4. JK5 Method: Inspired by Jenna Kutcher, this method encourages you to share five key aspects of your life or business to build a relatable and authentic online persona. These can be personal interests, professional insights, or behind-the-scenes glimpses. For example, if you're a baker, you might share recipes, baking tips, family moments, business challenges, and customer stories. This diverse content helps your audience connect with you on multiple levels.
  5. The Number Line Method: Give away the "what" and the "why" of your service or product but sell the "how." This approach builds trust and provides value while encouraging your audience to take the next step with you. For example, you might explain what your service does and why it's beneficial, but the detailed "how" is something they need to sign up for. This strategy positions you as a knowledgeable and valuable resource while driving sales.

Tips for Implementing These Strategies

  1. Start with Video: Video content is highly engaging and takes up significant digital real estate. Begin with a video, then repurpose snippets of it across different platforms to maximize reach.
  2. Vary Your Content: Use different types of posts to keep your audience engaged. Mix educational content with entertaining and inspiring posts to maintain a balanced and appealing feed.
  3. Change Your Profile Images Regularly: Update your profile pictures every few months to keep your page fresh and engaging. Different images across platforms can make your presence feel more widespread and dynamic.
  4. Engage Consistently: Consistency is key in social media marketing. Regularly posting and interacting with your audience builds familiarity and trust.
  5. Leverage Multiple Platforms: Don't limit yourself to one social media platform. Share your content across Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and even YouTube to reach a broader audience.

Wrapping Up

Remember, the goal of social media marketing is to build relationships and create value for your audience. By understanding and implementing the strategies we've discussed, you can enhance your online presence and foster meaningful connections with your followers. Let's make social media marketing fun, effective, and human-centered together!

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