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The Impact Equation: Why Value + Emotion = Lasting Sales

Sep 05, 2024

Ever wonder why your social media efforts aren’t bringing in the sales you’d hoped for? You're not alone. Many entrepreneurs feel the frustration of spending hours on content—only to see little return. But here's the secret that can change everything: Value plus Emotion equals Impact.

This concept came to me after watching a simple Instagram carousel, and it hit home—most of us are missing the emotional connection in our marketing. And that’s likely the reason why your posts aren’t converting to sales.

Why Emotion Matters: The Friendship Formula

Here’s the deal: People buy from brands that make them feel something. Think about it—if you’re a friend first, offering real value, the dollars will follow. But if you focus only on the sale, it’s harder to make those genuine connections. Like the sign I once saw at Lululemon, "Friends are more important than money." This couldn't be more true for marketing.

When you focus on helping your audience (like a friend), you’re building trust, and trust leads to loyalty—people keep coming back for more. But if you just chase the sale, you miss out on the long-term connection that really drives revenue.

Ms. Brown and The Power of Emotional Impact

Let me tell you a quick story. I had two third-grade teachers—Ms. Brown and Ms. French. Both were great, but if you ask me who my favorite teacher was, hands down it’s Ms. Brown. Why? It’s not because I remember the lessons (I barely recall any!). It’s because she made me feel special. Ms. Brown cared about me as a person, and that emotional connection stayed with me for over 30 years.

This shows how emotion can make a lasting impact—just like you want your business to do. You can teach your audience all day, but if you don’t tie that value to emotion, you won’t make the impact that leads to sales.

Are You Feeling Frustrated with Social Media? Let’s Fix That.

If you've spent hours crafting a post or a reel only to get little to no engagement, it’s not because the content isn’t good. You’re probably missing the emotional element. Frustration, confusion, or feeling invisible are common emotions many entrepreneurs face when their content doesn’t resonate. In our "Impact Equation" class, we tackle these challenges head-on. You’ll learn how to turn that frustration into impact by weaving emotion into your content.

One of the strategies we teach is the Number Line Method. This is where you plot your service or product on a timeline—before, during, and after. The key here is not just to focus on what you’re offering but on what emotions your audience feels before they need your product and how they feel after they’ve used it. For example, if you sell essential oils for back-to-school, your audience isn’t just buying oils—they’re buying peace of mind knowing they’re keeping germs away. That’s the emotional hook.

Simple Tips to Add Emotion to Your Content

Here are three actionable tips to boost your emotional impact:

  1. Ask "Why?" Until You Hit Emotion
    Whatever your product or service is, keep asking “why” your audience needs it until you reach the emotional root. Are they looking for security, confidence, or to avoid failure? Once you find that, make it the core of your messaging.
  2. Tell Stories
    Stories help people connect emotionally. Think about Ms. Brown. I told you how she made me feel special, and now that story sticks with you. Do the same for your audience. Share client success stories or personal anecdotes to create a memorable connection.
  3. Focus on the Problem, Not Just the Solution
    People want to feel understood. If you acknowledge the frustrations and struggles they’re facing before they come to you, they’re more likely to trust you to provide the solution. Show empathy and relate to their pain points. 

Wrapping up:

The secret to making sales isn’t just delivering value—it’s making an emotional impact. Value + Emotion = Impact. And that impact will inspire your audience to take action, whether it’s liking, commenting, sharing, or ultimately buying. When you create emotional resonance with your audience, they not only engage with your content but also become loyal, repeat customers.

If you're ready to dive deeper, our Social School is a six-module e-course designed specifically for entrepreneurs who want to harness social media for real business results. And don't forget our Most Human Company Wins workshop, where we teach practical steps to make your online presence more relatable and engaging.

Lead with emotion, create impact, and watch the sales follow. It's that simple.

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